
Simulation software is the ideal design tool, making accurate predictions easy. Give customers the best return on their investment by visualising systems and creating professional reports.

Home Renewable Energy Simulation & Design Software

The Solar Design Company is now offering FREE introductory webinars to PV*SOL & T*SOL simulation software. These are an interactive way to see our technical team walk through the key aspects of the program and to ask your questions.

Design and simulation software for renewable energy

PV*SOL premium Logo

The 3D design program for simulating photovoltaic performance.

The 2D design program for grid-connected photovoltaic systems..

The professional simulation program for the design and planning of solar thermal systems.

The professional, easy-to-use program for modelling and comparing heat pump systems.


PIXPRO professional photogrammetry for everyone. Measure easily in 3D.


The professional software package for chimney calculations in accordance with BS EN13384.


The complete software solution for planning, designing, optimising and engineering ground-mounted utility-scale photovoltaic plants.


Specialist trade software for efficient selling to the end-user.

Meteonorm contains a database with climate data from 8,300 stations around the world.